Insights for Leaders in Luxury Real Estate
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Finding Your Perfect Marketing Plan
April 4, 2022
This article by our Founder and CEO, Chris Pollinger as published by Inman News shares insights on the how to discover the perfect marketing plan for your business. Most of us are pretty clear…
Recruiting Pipeline Excel Tool
March 21, 2022
Tools and Downloads Keep recruiting on track by using our Broker/Manager Recruiting Pipeline Excel sheet.  In a business which is often run by the tyranny of the urgent, the important…
Why Associates Fail
March 21, 2022
This article by our Founder and CEO, Chris Pollinger as published by Inman News shares insights on the four reasons why your associates fail to reach their potential. I have…
March 2022 Luxe Real Estate Report
March 17, 2022
Here is the March 2022 National Luxe Real Estate Report by the staff at RE Luxe Leaders. Each month we take a look at the US Luxury Real Estate Stats.  Admittedly…
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