Simple Business Plan Template

Simple Business Plan Template

Simple Business Plan Template


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Our simple business plan template is an exercise to help you think through your business.  Most operators spend most of their lives working “in” vs “on” the business. It’s what has made them successful in the first place.  In order to grow, you need to develop the consistent discipline of working “on” your business. Strategic thinking about your business is an important skill to add to your quiver.

We have been involved in helping businesses craft quality business plans for years.  While they can range in complexity from a single page to hundreds of pages, they all have the same purpose.  They help you get clarity and provide focus on an actionable plan.

If you are looking for outside funding, the one page business plan isn’t going to cut it.  You will need something that allows you to present your ideas in a concise way while demonstrating that you have some thought and research behind your business intentions.  Starting from scratch can be overwhelming.  Sometimes you just need a head start.

We give our simple business plan template, in a editable presentation format, on a complementary basis.  You can download it with the link below:

RELL Simple Business Plan Template


Of course, if you want help working though it or want a killer one for your specific business feel free to contact us.

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