Online Lead Best Practices

Online Lead Best Practices

Online Lead Best Practices Infographic

Online lead best practices where conversion is best when the initial response rate is within seconds of the initial inquiry.  The best agent profile for working online leads is the introverted agent with a more passive prospecting style.


For online lead best practices, the first seven days are critical in online lead conversion.  Every minute counts in your initial response.  Pick up the phone and call right away.  If they don’t answer, leave a message.  Try again in an hour.  It’s not unreasonable to call them three times that first day if you don’t get ahold of them.  If you aren’t able to reach them, then you will want to reach out to them each day for the first seven days.  Rotate calls, emails, and text messages.

If not reached in the first seven days, place them on an unreached lead drip of new properties which meet their criteria.

Mondays are going to be your go-to days for phone follow-ups with your “A” leads.  “A” leads are going to be those people who have a timeframe of 60 days or less.  Everyone else is going to get your email update.

Tuesdays are going to be the day you touch base by phone with your “B” leads.  “”B” leads are those who have a time horizon between 2-6 months.

Wednesdays are your mid-week check-in.  Text is a great way to reach out quickly and efficiently.

Your “A” buyers are going to need more attention than your sellers.  They are more anxious and if they feel you are ignoring them, they will do searching on their own.  When they do, you run the risk of them being scooped by someone else.

The online lead best practices work best when worked in conjunction with our Agent Pipeline Dashboard.

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