Personal Foundation Assessment

Personal Foundation Assessment

Our Personal Foundation Assessment is one of our tools we use with brokers, managers and team leaders in our coaching program.  We believe in measuring progress and stepping back from time to time and evaluating how to improve.  The Personal Foundation Assessment is an 11×17 PDF file which gives you visual overview of where you are and what you should prioritize working on for your personal development.


Philosophy and Methodology

We are intentional in our own lives and encourage our clients to live in the same.  With that said, our tools and core systems are designed the way they are on purpose and through years of trial and error.  Everything we do has a reason behind it.

This tool is designed to keep you on track and focus on what’s going to move the needle in your business.

We are happy to walk you through it if you have any questions.  Feel free to contact us anytime.

The personal foundation program is a great annual assessment.  It will highlight progress year over year.  The tool will also help point out blind spots which are great to address.  Some things can be addressed quickly.  Others take years.  Be patient.  Personal growth is a never ending process.


Personal foundation assessment


Step One

If you haven’t already, download the PDF file.  It prints best on 11×17″ paper.

 Step Two

Answer each question. If the statement is true, check the circle. If not, leave it blank until you’ve done what it takes. Be rigorous; be a hard grader.  Remember this assessment is about your personal growth.  Answer based on how you interpret the question.

Step Three

Color in one of the associated blocks in the graph on the right.

Step Four

Print out to track progress.

Step Five

Repeat quarterly and measure growth.


Personal Foundation PDF Download


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