Testimonial Recruiting Campaign

Testimonial Recruiting Campaign

Insights from a Real Estate Recruiting Coach


An effective testimonial recruiting campaign is incredibly effective at building brand awareness and highlighting your greatest advocates. They feature your current team and create a very human connection with your office.  We use them as a layer in your overall recruiting plan.

The three key elements of an effective testimonial recruiting campaign campaign.

They feature your agents.

Your people are the ones who can say things you can’t.  They can brag about why they have chosen to affiliate with you.  You should pick between 6-12 of your greatest advocates and success stories.  The best stories will be emotionally driven and hook into your core values or unique value propositions.

The pictures are advertising friendly.

Get a photographer to meet you and your agents at a space for a photo shoot day.  You want lifestyle photos.  One like you’d see in magazines.  The purpose of this campaign is to be human.  Let your agents show off their different personalities.

The testimonials are real.

Ask your agents for just one thing that they can do a short testimonial on.  Don’t write it for them.  Other agents will ask them about it and you want it to be genuine.  Need a good place to start?  Ask them what is one reason they have affiliated or stay with you.

Download the testimonial recruiting campaign samples here.



Here’s a sample from a testimonial based campaign we helped put together a while back.


Real estate luxury leaders - testimonial recruiting campaign




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