The Future of Content Marketing – 4 Secrets to Stay Ahead in the Age of AI

The Future of Content Marketing – 4 Secrets to Stay Ahead in the Age of AI

This article shares insights on the future of content marketing in the age of AI-powered search engines. This article was written for Inman News  by Chris Pollinger.


The future of content marketing is changing rapidly.  With the integration of AI-powered search engines like Bard and Bing, the way we search for information on the internet is changing. For real estate brokerages and teams, this means that content marketing strategies need to adapt to stay ahead of the curve. In this article, we’ll explore four key strategies businesses can use to create content that stands out in the age of AI-powered search engines.

The future of content marketing – Go beyond the blog post.

As AI-powered search engines become more prevalent, real estate brokerages and teams need to consider content types beyond the traditional blog post. While blogs have been a cornerstone of content marketing, creating more unique and engaging content is necessary to stand out in search engine results.
This means experimenting with different content formats, including video, how-to guides, infographics, and more. Creating a mix of content types helps businesses reach a broader audience and makes their website more engaging for your core audience.

The future of content marketing – Implement interactive content.

Static content may become less effective with the rise of AI-powered search engines. Interactive content, such as quizzes, calculators, and tools, provides a more dynamic way for users to engage with content. This type of content is not only engaging but also provides valuable insights into what customers want and how they interact with content.
For real estate brokers and teams, interactive content can be an effective way to capture contact information, such as email addresses, and create a direct line of communication with interested customers. Polls and quizzes can also add some much-needed levity to otherwise dry topics.

The future of content marketing – Understand supply and demand dynamics.

The internet and tools like ChatGPT have created an overabundance of content, making it more difficult for you to stand out. To succeed in this environment, your need to create interactive, engaging content that’s relevant to your audience. This means creating less content but focusing on creating high-quality pieces that meet the needs of your customers.

The future of content marketing – Use a data-driven approach.

To succeed in a world where content marketing is more competitive than ever, you need to take a data-driven approach. By leveraging tools like Google Analytics and Bing Webmaster tools, you can understand what types of content your audience is looking for and tailor their content accordingly. This means producing less content in favor of creating high-quality pieces that resonate and create a sticky experience.
Data-driven approaches help you identify gaps in their content strategies and make adjustments to improve performance. By monitoring metrics like time on site, conversion rates, and social media engagement, you can continuously improve your content marketing strategies.
The rise of AI-powered search engines presents both a challenge and an opportunity for real estate brokers and teams. By taking a data-driven approach, experimenting with different content formats, implementing interactive content, and understanding supply and demand dynamics, businesses can create effective content marketing strategies that stand out in search engine results.
The key is to focus on creating high-quality pieces that resonate with your target audience and meet their evolving needs. With the right approach, you can stay ahead of the curve in the age of AI-powered search engines.

A Parting Thought


We hope that the information provided is helpful in guiding you on your journey to building a thriving real estate business.

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For additional and real time insights, updates and news from our Founding and Managing Partner, Chris Pollinger, you can follow him on LinkedInTwitterFacebookInstagram


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