Changing the Momentum in your Team

Changing the Momentum in your Team
This insight shares the secret to changing the momentum in your team. Inman News published the article by Chris Pollinger.
Can you change the momentum in your team?
Yes, and it only takes 42 days.
Momentum is the secret tool of champions. Although it is affected by a number of forces, it can be changed by a relatively short burst of sheer willpower and determination. Yes, you can determine the direction and velocity of your team’s momentum. Most people take the attitude of the passenger, letting momentum take them on the ride wherever it is going. Champions move into the driver’s seat. This doesn’t mean you won’t have challenges or roadblocks along the way. But you can control the steering wheel and gas pedal.
In order to have your team coast profitably through Q1, it will take a burst of 42 days of effort. This week have a team meeting. Resolve as a team that each of you will commit to a full-out sprint for the next six weeks. Yes, it will be inconvenient and hard. Real success always is.
Here is what the sprint looks like. It is designed to shake your world like a snow globe and break bad habits. After the six weeks, you can choose what you want to keep doing and what you want to throttle back.

2) Wake up at 5am.

Most people don’t know the clock hits 5 twice in a day. It’s the hour of champions because it’s quiet. The first few days will be hard, push through anyway.

3) Work out for 30-60 minutes a day.

Whatever your level of fitness, push yourself. This will not only give you more energy for the day, but also will help you not put those extra five to ten annual holiday pounds on.

4) Go to bed by 9pm.

This is the hardest thing for most people. You aren’t being very productive after 9pm and you can go back to binge watching Netflix when the sprint is over.

5) Carve out two hours to prep for the day, do your social posts and follow-up with your clients.

Communication and lack of follow up are two of the greatest complaints our clients have. By closing this gap, we look like superstars and discover how many transactions we had previously just let slip through our fingers.

6) Get deep with your inventory.

Yes, each and every day. Mastery of market knowledge will get you and your team into more transactions than any other factor. I’ll put my money on the new agent who knows the inventory over the 30-year veteran who snacks their way through Broker preview.

7) Engage in three hours of personality based prospecting.

No one enjoys prospecting. It’s an act of discipline. Focus on the one prospecting activity that you accel at and tolerate the best.

8) Clear out all your texts, email and voicemails at the end of the day.

It’s a great habit to get into and lets you start tomorrow with a clean slate.
If you want a copy of the 42 Day Sprint we use with clients with the detailed weekly schedule, you can download it here.
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