Maximizing Team Performance: 5 Ways to Take Your Team from Good to Great

This article shares insights on Maximizing Team Performance. Five Ways to Take Your Team from Good to Great. This article was written for Inman News  by Chris Pollinger.   Maximizing Team Performance:

Maximizing Success with a Professional Luxury Real Estate Website

Maximizing Success with a Professional Luxury Real Estate Website A Real Estate Marketing Consultant’s Perspective What company do we think does the best luxury real estate websites? We get asked

When Should Someone Start a Team?

This insight shares the answers to when should someone start a team? Inman News published the article by Chris Pollinger.   When should someone start a team? Answer these three essential questions first.

Building a Top Team

This insight shares the three secrets to building a top team. Inman News published the article by Chris Pollinger.   Building a team is two parts science and one part art. Most B

Signs it’s Time to Let a Team Go

This article shares the five signs it’s time to let a team go. Inman News published the article by Chris Pollinger. Wondering if it’s time to let a team go?  Moving a

Things to Consider Before Moving a Team

This article shares the five things to consider before moving a team to a new brokerage. Inman News published the article by Chris Pollinger.   Thinking about moving a team to

Ultimate Real Estate Team Structure Blueprint for $5 Million + in GCI

The Ultimate Real Estate Team Structure Blueprint is your key to boost marketshare and efficiency while driving more profit and better quality of life.  Good teams are dominating the market.

Growing with Teams 5x Your Brokerage

Growing with teams can be an extremely effective way to boost profitability, marketshare and efficiency.  Good teams are dominating the market.  The 80-20 rule skews closer to 90-10 in real

3 Tips to Expanding Real Estate Teams Profitably

This article by our Founder and Managing Partner, Chris Pollinger as published by Inman News shares insights on the blueprint for expanding real estate teams profitably. Having a team should be profitable and let

5 Secrets to Leading Performance Based Teams

This article by our Founder and CEO, Chris Pollinger as published by Inman News shares insights on the five qualities to leading performance based teams. Performance based teams are lean, effective and crazy profitable.
